Orbost Primary School and Orbost North Primary School are now part of Orbost Community College. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Junior school

Orbost Community College’s Junior School includes Prep to Year 6 and caters to the individual needs of children.


We have two Prep/Year 1, one Year 2, two Year 3/4 and two Year 5/6 class. Our Prep for Year 4 school leader is Kelly Scott. Andy Malcolm is the Year 5 to 6 school leader. We pride ourselves on tailoring our curriculum to children’s needs, within a safe, nurturing environment. Students benefit from small, multi-grade classes and a comprehensive curriculum.


Our junior school curriculum covers English, mathematics, arts, science, humanities, physical education, and technology.

Teachers plan their work programs on a term, weekly and daily basis to ensure they are teaching to each student’s current point of need. We place emphasis on knowing where each student is at with their learning so that the teacher knows what the student is ready to learn next.

We also support our youngest students to make friends and learn about their school in a friendly, welcoming environment.

Junior School curriculum
Junior transition

Transition program

As students transition from primary to secondary school, we work with them and their families to make the move a gradual process.

Students remain on the same school campus and have more interactions with secondary school students than in previous years.

We provide opportunities to guide, focus and lift our students’ aspirations, so they feel supported to follow the path of their choice.

We want them to feel passionate about their futures as they move into senior school.

Find out more

Parents are most welcome at any time during the school year to contact the Junior School team.

Get in touch

Please get in touch should you have any questions, or require additional information.