End of Term 3

Cast of Orbost Community College 2024 School Production

The end of Term Three already!

Wunman Njinde.

Year 12
The end of Term Three is a key time for our Year 12 VCE students. They have completed all assessment tasks and will start Term Four with a series of practise exams. Following these exams, they will spend the next few weeks revising coursework and preparing for the final exams. The first of these is the English exam to take place on Tuesday 29th October.

The VCE Vocational Major students do not have exams. They will be spending the first few weeks of Term Four finalising tasks and preparing to join the workforce. These students have demonstrated that they are ready to begin the next phase of their life and have developed skills and knowledge that will help them succeed in their chosen careers.

Next term is extremely busy for all our Year 12 students. We encourage them to take some time to refresh but be sure to also spend some time working hard to prepare for the final weeks of secondary school.

Transition for our 2025 Grade Prep class
As exciting as it is for our Year 12 students who are finishing their 13 years of formal schooling, it is equally exciting for our 2025 Grade Preps who have spent the last few Fridays getting used to the routines of school. Thanks to all the parents who have brought their children along to these informal transition sessions. It was obvious to all how their confidence grew over the weeks. By the time we’ve finished our formal transition sessions in December, we hope that they will all be ‘school-ready.’ If any parents have questions about these sessions, or about Grade Prep in 2025, please don’t hesitate to contact Kelly Scott at school.

Arnold Street
Thanks to Mr Walker for his work with East Gippsland Shire Council to help improve the drop-off and pick-up zone in Arnold Street. We know that this is not yet a finished product. To help improve this zone, particularly at drop-off and pick-up times, we are working with the shire to have a designated crossing installed. In the meantime, we ask that parents try to drop their children off on the school side of Arnold Street, so they do not have to cross the road. If you want to enter the school to collect your child, or speak with teachers, we ask that you please park in the car park opposite the school and escort your child across the road. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Mr Walker. Continued

Parent Feedback
Thanks to all parents who completed the Parent Opinion Surveys over recent weeks. The feedback provided helps us to make improvements to how we operate as a school. One of the key areas for
improvement is in our communication with parents. As a new school, our relationships and communication processes are still developing. However, our main way of communicating about student progress with parents and families is through Compass. We would like to ensure all parents are accessing Interim Reports, End of Semester Reports and Learning Task Feedback through Compass. By doing this, parents will be able to check their child’s progress regularly. If you are unsure how to access this information on Compass, please contact us at school and we’ll give you a hand.

Although our school is a little larger, phone calls are still a very effective way of getting in touch with us and we are also happy to make appointments and facilitate face-to-face meetings when required.
Please feel free to contact us in the manner that you find easiest and most efficient, and we’ll aim to
respond as soon as possible.

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